Öva dig i att se eller höra…

Änglarna är inte främmande för anonymitet.
De visar sig ofta i mänskliga angelägenheter i form av
"tur", "slump" eller "sammanträffande".
Öva dig så får du själv uppleva det…Själv upplever jag det dagligen.

5 tankar om “Öva dig i att se eller höra…

  1. kisssssssssssss…………….!!!!
    hugs & love….

  2. Did you know there are two kinds of angels?
    One type has made it all the way to the top. – You know, saw ‘You know who’. –  Well these angels are there to help each Earthling. Since everyone knows the Cohabitants of earth consist of men from ‘Mars’ and women from ‘Venus’, we won’t need to explain that – Right?
    There is also, the other type of angel who has not quite arrived ‘Up there’ yet. But they are still very important, since they tend to assist the other angels. On a dear day you can see both types of angels hovering somewhere in the distance between Heaven and Earth merrily dancing amidst the rainbows.
    Angels are scattered around the globe. Even nearby you! While working they are incognito and you can’t tell them apart from an Earthling. Yet, when such an angel is met one senses that there is just a bit of something different in their presence… something almost mystical or ethereal. The sort of stand apart from the rest, not above but just near. Well… those angels… they are my friends and maybe yours too, the very breath of life next to my heart. …Smiles!
    Send You
    Love + Light

  3. dear ess
    thanks for you lovely greeting
    I must see your space is oh so wonderful
    lots of hugs filled with light
    of a angel
    and a nice weekend to

  4. Hejsan!!!
    Änglarna finns dagligen runt oss, för att ge sitt beskydd.
    Om vi ber om hjälp när vi behöver, så finns de strax vid vår sida som stöd.
    Det är bara det att många glömmer se efter nu för tiden.
    Hälsningar från Kristina

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